ioLogik E1200 Series
Ethernet remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch
The ioLogik E1200 Series supports the most often-used protocols for retrieving I/O data, making it capable of handling a wide variety of applications. Most IT engineers use SNMP or RESTful API protocols, but OT engineers are more familiar with OT-based protocols, such as Modbus and EtherNet/IP. Moxa’s Smart I/O makes it possible for both IT and OT engineers to conveniently retrieve data from the same I/O device. The ioLogik E1200 Series speaks six different protocols, including Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP, and Moxa AOPC for OT engineers, as well as SNMP, RESTful API, and Moxa MXIO library for IT engineers. The ioLogik E1200 retrieves I/O data and converts the data to any of these protocols at the same time, allowing you to get your applications connected easily and effortlessly.
Product Features
- User-definable Modbus TCP Slave addressing
- Supports EtherNet/IP Adapter mode Requires online registration (available free of charge)
- Supports RESTful API for IIoT applications
- 2-port Ethernet switch for daisy-chain topologies
- Saves time and wiring costs with peer-to-peer communications
- Active communication with MX-AOPC UA Server
- Supports SNMP v1/v2c
- Easy mass deployment and configuration with ioSearch utility
- Friendly configuration via web browser
- Simplifies I/O management with MXIO library for Windows or Linux
- Class I Division 2, ATEX Zone 2 certification Class I Division 2 and ATEX currently do not apply to the E1213/E1213-T models.
- Wide operating temperature models available for -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) environments